
Tips for When You're Trying to Conceive

If you’ve finally decided to grow your family but are having trouble starting the family planning engine, you’re not alone. Trying to conceive ends up being a trickier game than most expect. In fact, the odds of getting pregnant in any given month ranges between 15% to 25% for couples who are actively trying to conceive. Even though it hasn’t happened yet, it doesn’t mean that it won’t. Still, being patient can feel like you’re sitting idly by without any progress happening. While some factors that contribute to conception are out of your control, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Know Your Body

Baby making is all about timing, specifically your body’s timing. For women trying to conceive, it’s extremely important for them to track their menstrual cycle and learn when they are most fertile. The first day a woman gets her period is also considered the first day of her cycle, which typically lasts a total of 28 days. For most women, ovulation, which is when fertility is at its peak, starts around day 14. However, all bodies are different, with some women experiencing cycles that are shorter or longer than others. Take time to recognize your body’s unique rhythms and schedule. Tools such as calendars and ovulation tracking apps can also help you calculate your ideal fertility window.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Studies have shown that regular exercise and a balanced diet can have a positive effect on fertility. If you are already active, make sure to not overdo it or push yourself too hard. When trying to conceive, it’s typically recommended to avoid exercises that are too intense or strenuous. Instead, consider exercises such as walking, yoga, and dancing, all of which are great for the body and mind.

When it comes to nutrition, women trying to conceive should eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, dairy, and healthy fats. Be sure to include foods that are rich in nutrients such as calcium, protein, and iron, all of which can help prepare your body for pregnancy.

Relax and Have Fun

Trying to conceive without having success can definitely be stressful after a while, but it’s important that you not put too much pressure on yourself and your partner throughout the process, especially during your fertile window. Furthermore, it’s a common misconception that you need to have sex every night during ovulation to get pregnant. In fact, this can lead to burnout and stress for both you and your partner. Many doctors suggest that having sex every other night can work just as well. While a little bit of strategic timing for intercourse helps, try to keep your sex life a little on the spontaneous side as well.

Remember, getting pregnant isn’t nearly as easy as they make it seem on TV or in movies. It may take a while and happen when you least expect it. That being said, if you and your partner have been trying to conceive for a long time and haven’t had any success, it may be time to talk to a doctor or consider fertility care. For more information about fertility counseling in San Francisco, contact Pacific Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology today.

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