Blog | Tags | Prevention

How to Make the First Annual Well-Woman Exam Easier
We understand that attending your first annual well-woman exam can seem daunting, but we hope to assure patients that there is no need for stress, concern or worry. Annual well-woman exams are an…

Should I Be Worried about the Zika Virus?
Fears in the United States about the Zika virus first made waves in the spring of 2016 and increased substantially by early summer of that year. It’s been almost two years since then, but that d…

Cold and Flu Season Survival Guide
Did you know that the flu season can start as early as October and last until May? Experts are predicting that this year’s cold and flu season will be particularly difficult, which is something that s…

September Is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
September is national ovarian cancer awareness month, and Pacific Women's OB/GYN Medical Group (PWOG) hopes to raise awareness about ovarian cancer risk factors and prevention so all women can enjoy…