
Everything You Need to Know About Pap Smears

A pap smear, formerly known as the Papanicolaou test, is a routine procedure during a pelvic exam that tests cells in the cervix. The process involves your doctor collecting cells from your cervix…

How To Offer Support to Someone Who Has Lost a Pregnancy or Infant

When someone you care about goes through a loss of any kind, it can be very difficult to know what to say or do to show your love and support. For those who’ve lost a child, whether through m…

What You Need To Tell Your Doctor During an Annual Exam

Every year, women aged 18 and older are advised to attend an annual exam with their gynecologist. This exam serves a few different purposes: To check in with your doctor To discuss changes or…

Can Yeast Infections Be Avoided?

A surefire way to ruin a woman’s week is the realization that she has a yeast infection. Perhaps this is your first, or maybe you’ve experienced such an infection before and already know what to do. Eit…

When Is the Right Time to Take an At-home Pregnancy Test?

If you’re trying to get pregnant or hoping to avoid pregnancy, timing is everything. Even with the most effective forms of birth control, nothing is fool-proof; an egg only needs one sperm to become f…