
One Surprisingly Easy Way to Skip the Flu This Year
Believe it or not, flu season kicks off in October and can last until May. Most years, flu season hits its peak in December, January and February, which means that now is the perfect time to get a flu shot at Pacific Women’s OB/GYN Medical Group. Please ask for the flu vaccine during your next appointment.
Outside of the preventative and effective flu shot, there is one surprisingly easy way to skip the flu this year, and it’s something you already do every day, but probably not enough or correctly.
This week is National Handwashing Awareness Week, and the CDC notes that simply washing your hands thoroughly is “one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of many types of infection and illness.” For many, handwashing might only occur after visiting the restroom, but there are numerous occasions during the day in which you should wash your hands.
- After you’ve blown your nose, coughed or sneezed
- After taking out or touching garbage
- After contact with an animal, animal food or animal waste
- After contact with diapers or a child who has gone to the bathroom
- After treating a cut or wound
- While caring for and after contact with someone who is unwell
- Before, during and after any type of food preparation or cooking
All of the above present opportunities for illness to spread from one person to another. The flu is an especially common result from a lack of proper handwashing.
This may seem simple, but so many people skip using soap or don’t take time to really scrub their hands. Most providers will recommend washing your hands while humming a song like “Happy Birthday” to ensure you are washing your hands for the correct amount of time. If soap and water are not an option, make sure a hand sanitizer alternative contains at least 60 percent alcohol in order to eliminate most types of germs.
The flu is much more severe and serious than the common cold. Having the flu is the difference between staying home for one day to recover like you might with a cold and having to stay home for a week or more because you are ill. Keeping your hands clean and free from germs is a simple way to stay healthy during a time of year when illness is much more prevalent.
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